Undated Digital Planner - "You're Cute!" - Monthly


Welcome to the world of digital planning!


This download contains the planner as a PDF file that is hyperlinked between all its pages so you can access all pages from all pages. Which is much easier than flipping through a file (or a book)!

This planner is undated with a monthly dashboard with additional weekly and daily pages that can be duplicated from within GoodNotes or your notetaking app of choice.

Compatible with most notetaking/annotation apps such as GoodNotes, Notability, CollaNote, and similar for iPad or the Penly app for Android tablets (or similar apps).

Tutorials on how to use PDF planners with GoodNotes and other notetaking apps can be found all over YouTube, but I’m also planning on making my own tutorials for this website and they will be added soon! You can also find more information on how to install the planners on the “Information” page on this website <3

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You’re always welcome to contact me though the contact page if you need any help with your planner.

You will be able to download this planner immediately after purchase. The download link will last for 24h.